2025 Lifting Up Families Hybrid Advocacy Day 



On January 22, 2025, statewide and community partners, family child care providers and parents advocated in Sacramento for raising child care rates, strengthening critical safety net programs and lifting up the needs of whole families. 

Attendees heard from legislative champions committed to strengthening our safety net programs, protecting the progress and honoring the promises of the last legislative sessions, and building up supportive services in 2025-26. California’s lowest income working parents continue in a downward spiral unable to meet the most basic of needs for their children. In order to help families be more successful and break the cycle of poverty, programs that help them secure basic services such as child care, food, housing, and mental health must be resourced. 

Here is a recording of the morning portion of our program:

(Click the Vimeo Logo on the bottom right-hand side of the video to watch in full screen view):

Additionally, you can watch a conversation with Assemblymember Sade Elhawary below regarding the impact of supportive services, including child care, on victims of the Los Angeles fires.
(Click the Vimeo Logo on the bottom right-hand side of the video to watch in full screen view):

We Would Like to Give a BIG Thank You to Our Event Sponsors!

Grassroots Training

Thank you to Andrew Avila, Early Edge CA and Dubrea Sanders, Catalyst California and McKenzie Richardson, Thriving Families CA, for facilitating the Grassroots Training!  This is an hour-long Advocate Training and "prep-talk" on what to expect in the meetings, what you are sharing, and how every person and viewpoint in the meeting is important. Please watch that below (click on the Vimeo logo at the bottom right to expand, or use this link to watch): 


Advocacy Training PowerPoint



Each legislative office will receive a special packet full of district specific data on strengthening and supporting whole families in their district.  Further in the packet is information regarding Poverty, Early Learning Needs of Families and Children, Child Care and other Family Supports, and the Impactful Investments Needed in 2025.

Individual member packets from the 2025 Advocacy Day may be found below for download:     

Dawn Addis Steven Choi Brian Jones Eloise Gómez Reyes
Cecilia M. Aguiar-Curry Damon Connolly Ash Kalra Robert Rivas
Patrick Ahrens Dave Cortese Maggy Krell Celeste Rodriguez
Juan Alanis Megan Dahle Tom Lackey Michelle Rodriguez
Benjamin Allen Laurie Davies John Laird Chris Rogers
Marie Alvarado-Gil Carl DeMaio Alex Lee Blanca Rubio
David Alvarez Diane Dixon Monique Limón Susan Rubio
Joaquin Arambula Maria Durazo Josh Lowenthal Kate Sanchez
Bob Archuleta Sade Elhawary Alexandra Macedo Pilar Schiavo
Jesse Arreguín Bill Essayli Mike McGuire Nick Schultz
Angelique Ashby Heath Flora Tina McKinnor Kelly Seyarto
Anamarie Avila-Farias Mike Fong Jerry McNerney Dr. LaShae Sharp-Collins
Jasmeet Bains Jesse Gabriel Caroline Menjivar Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan James Gallagher Al Muratsuchi José Luis Solache Jr.
Josh Becker Robert Garcia Stephanie Nguyen Esmeralda Soria
Steve Bennett Mike Gipson Roger Niello Catherine Stefani
Marc Berman Jeff Gonzalez Rosilicie Ochoa-Bogh Henry Stern
Catherine Blakespear Lena Gonzalez Liz Ortega Tri Ta
Tasha Boerner Mark González Blanca Pacheco David Tangipa
Mia Bonta Timothy Grayson Steve Padilla Thomas Umberg
Isaac Bryan Shannon Grove Diane Papan Avelino Valencia
Christopher Cabaldon Heather Hadwick Dr. Darshana Patel Suzette Martinez Valladares
Anna Caballero Matt Haney Joe Patterson Aisha Wahab
Lisa Calderon John Harabedian Gail Pellerin Greg Wallis
Jessica Caloza Gregg Hart Sasha Renée Pérez Christopher Ward
Juan Carrillo Josh Hoover Cottie Petrie-Norris Dr. Akilah Weber Pierson
Leticia Castillo Melissa Hurtado Sharon Quirk-Silva Buffy Wicks
Sabrina Cervantes Jacqui Irwin James Ramos Scott Wiener
Phillip Chen Corey Jackson Rhodesia Ransom Lori Wilson
    Laura Richardson Rick Zbur